Friday 21 June 2013


Durian Panna Cotta

Durian craze is still on and I made this utterly silky smooth dessert like tofu with durian. It just melts in your mouth and I just couldn't stop eating two in a go. It did not last long in my house that is for sure.<3 

Here is the recipe (adapted from Dessert's Temptation)
600ml Fresh milk
80g Whipping cream
60g Sugar

15g Gelatine powder
60ml Water
200g Durian puree (blend durian to smooth)


  • Add gelatine to water to soak for 5 minutes.
  • Combine fresh milk, whipping cream and sugar in a pot, put under medium heat  and stir until sugar dissolved. Bring the liquid mixture to light boil.
  • Then add in soaked gelatine into it and stir until gelatine dissolved.
  • Lastly add durian puree and mix well, do not boil but keep stirring it for 5-8 minutes at low heat. Strain and pour mixture in cups or moulds.
  • Refrigerate for at least 2 hours and serve.


600ml Fresh milk
80g Whipping cream
60g Sugar

15g Gelatine powder
60ml Water
200g Durian puree (blend durian to smooth)


Add gelatine to water to soak for 5 minutes.
Combine fresh milk, whipping cream and sugar in a pot, put under medium heat and stir until sugar dissolved. Bring the liquid mixture to light boil.
Then add in soaked gelatine into it and stir until gelatine dissolved.
Lastly add durian puree and mix well, do not boil but keep stirring it for 5-8 minutes at low heat. Strain and pour mixture in cups or moulds.
Refrigerate for at least 2 hours and serve.

* disebabkan tak ada stok whipping cream, K.Nor gantikan whipping cream tu dgn susu gak jdlah sukatan susu semuany

Khamis, 3 Jun 2010

Durian Panna Cotta

Salam kembali sume ;-),

Dah telan paracetamol dah ok sikit tp nak main golek2 jer hari ni sampai kakak balik nanti kul 4 hihihi.... Hari ni layan dessert jer ya, dah buat dulu tp mcm tak puas jer mkn ni mcm tak leh kenyang giteeww! Kali ni buat perasa durian sgttttttt creammmmmyyyy, sedap! Manggo harus buat sbb mmg dah sah2 sedap kan, nak buat strawberry ke blueberry ke tak mampu lagi nak beli yg fresh ahahaha.....jdnyer kita ganti dgn yogurt perasa strawberry n blueberry.. sgt sedap! Resepi asal dr gert sukelah dia punyer tekstur panna cotta tu lembuttt! Untuk resepi kita copy paste kat sini lagi, thanks to GERT for sharing this recipe :-). Boleh tgk SINI untuk n3 yg dulu juga


  • 7 grm gelatin (1 packet) + 3 tbsp of water>>kita double boiler dulu then ketepikan.
  • 2 ½ cups full cream milk>>Fresh Milk
  • 1/4 cup sugar
  • 1 tsp vanilla
  • 1 ripe mango – cut into small cubes or puree>>blend mangga dgn sikit air n gula sikit
  • 3-4 Ulas isi Durian, blend wih fresh milk lil bit n condense milk


1. Mix the gelatin and water together and set it aside to bloom.
2. Put the milk and sugar in a saucepan, cook over low medium heat until bubbles form around the edges of the saucepan.
3. Remove from heat and add in the vanilla and stir in the gelatin. Stir until the gelatin dissolved.
4. Pour the mixture into six ramekins or cups. At this stage you can add in some cut mango and refrigerate until set or you can serve it with some mango puree.

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